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Radish, Pink BeautyRadish, Pink Beauty

Radish, Pink Beauty

Full Sun
26 Days
Approx. 200 seeds 
 Open Pollinated
 2-3” tall

Beautiful, round, mild-flavoured pink radishes with a nice crunch. They can grow quite large while remaining delicious, non-pithy, and without splitting. Seed from small organic farm in Ontario. 

Companions: Parsnip, Peas, Spinach
Growing Instructions: 

Germinates best at 18-29°C in moist soil.

Plant Spacing : 1” Row Spacing: 8-12”

Direct Seed at 1/4” deep once soil can be worked in the spring. Does best in cooler temperatures and shorter day-length of spring and fall. Plant every 10 days for a continual supply.
